Target and search for people interested in the genre of the topic that our client wants to build the tribe around.
Invitation messages will be sent 5 days per week to the specific targets.
Include a call to action in the direct messages sent each week to entice people to join the Facebook group with a link to the group included in the direct messages.
The process is automated to the point that our clients simply respond to those that are interested in the group and topic if needed to build those relationships.
Long term relationships are formed this way by speaking in volume to just the right people that can potentially be interested in many services, products, sponsorship, and more.
Our client will have the targeted tribe for the life of their LinkedIn and Facebook accounts, possibly decades.
Targeted Tribe Building: Build a Targeted Community of Interested People
How do you build a community of people that are interested in the genre of what you are doing?
The LCA method will target the people interested in the genre of what you are doing and feed them over to your Facebook group to build a very targeted tribe of people you can interact with for years.
Facebook has been increasing engagement levels of groups and decreasing engagement of business pages. They want business owners to pay for ads. Now a large amount of posts in groups are seen in the Facebook news feed of the people that are members. It's a win for tribe building!
The campaign will invite them to a Facebook group with a link to the group inside of the direct message.
Our clients are the admins of the group so the possibilities of engagement and monetizing are endless because they have control.
This campaign builds exceptional resources for a very affordable price that can produce a quality tribe that constantly grows leading to ROI in many ways. The money is in the list.
Service Basics
Target and send invitations to our client's target market each month in their LinkedIn account.
A small message that we help create will be sent with each invitation that states the client wishes to connect as a 1st connection (this must be done first so that we can send direct messages later). Sending the invitation messages normally has the highest connection acceptance rate.
Old invitations older than 5-10 days are withdrawn once per week to keep LinkedIn happy. This prevents any flagging of the client’s account.
On Tuesdays each week we help create and send out DIRECT messages to all the 1st connections that accepted the client's connection during the previous week.
Up to 200 direct messages will be sent or however many connected during the previous week. These messages are short, organic looking, edited, and confirmed by the client before sending.